My love affair with Dulce de Leche
As I looked around for things to create I came across dulce de leche. I went on one of my favorite canning facebook groups and did a search to see if they have talked about it and what recipes they use. I found it, there were many posts that talked favorably about it. So I decided to go ahead and make a batch. As soon as it was finished, I promptly ate one. And then another and another, within a week every single jar was emptied! I was obsessed!
I went on to the facebook group. This group is a very active group and so many people post about how much they love the group and rave on and on about it. I usually just surf around and look at things. But at this moment I was cursing this recipe! I seriously could not stop eating it. So I went on to the group and posted a sarcastic post saying I was sick of seeing “I love you” posts and I was there to say I was pissed at the group. And posted a picture of empty jars.
This post resulted in about a thousand comments laughing and joking about it. (except of course there has to be that one person who doesnt get the joke. Yup there always has to be one LOL).Lots of other people were not going to try it.Then people started posting their own threads, because they tried it too and started cursing the group out. Then jokes about how the grocery store was running out of stock on the ingredients because everyone was making dulce de leche. And with any good stor veryone was jokingly cursing me for cursing introducing it to them.
So with any good story there needs to be drama. Some people call it salted caramel and some people call it dulce de leche. The battle raged on. So then some started giving it nicknames instead. The one that stuck was “slut sauce”. Which resulted in someone being offended by the use of the word slut. And then there was the backlash against those people for being pearl clutchers. Facebook got warnings and then started suspending peoples ability to post for using abusive language. Lots of people posted photos of jars labeled “slut sauce”. Yet more and more people keep posting about it. I believe “slut sauce” is the official winner of the name debate of this sweet treat.

So a couple hundred posts and about a zillion calories later, I label it dulce de leche (but we all know it is the Devils Pudding).
As I was browsing the internet I came across one blog post about what to gift your child’s teacher.
Apple for teacher

Wrap up apple and caramel (or Glasshouse Greens dulce de Leche). The blog post offers a free gift tag that says APPLE FOR TEACHER that you can download.
Looking on pintrest I also saw a red apple stacked with a green apple which is a wonderful way of bringing in the holiday colors too.
You can tie it with a thick ribbon and tie a bow or I like curling ribbon and then attach a little decorative item or a little gift that goes with it. Here I found some little cheese knives. So the teacher can snack right away at her desk on the apple dulce snack.